2023: Being Present For Me

Recently as I laid in savasana I suddenly had a wave of sadness wash over me. What meaning does my life have? What purpose do I have? What am I doing with this life? It was overwhelming, and dark. Immediately I understood where self-harming thoughts can come from. As much as I didn’t like being in that headspace, it got me REALLY reflecting and thinking about 2022.

Living my best life in one of our favorite places - Epernay, France (October 2022)

My goals for 2022 were simple and tangible, so I thought - get a job, write and continue building my yoga practice - BE A CREATOR.

2022 was probably my toughest and least productive year. Yes, we had a fabulous year of travel and adventure across seven countries, making so many beautiful memories as family! I still struggled though. From the start, every month something happened - us all getting Covid, birthdays, school breaks with incredible but exhausting travel, another wave of sickness, ballet and soccer, prepping for interviews and taking interviews for jobs that never transpired. I’ve never had a job interview and not been hired immediately. The whole process has been a blow to my ego. And Wally’s sudden passing was the biggest blow, putting me in the longest of all funks. It still makes me cry. Oh and then there’s the residual affects of Covid, leaving me with various inner ear problems. What I set out to accomplish at the start quickly pulled further from my grasp.

By the time summer arrived I gave up on writing and teaching yoga completely. I succumbed to doing online yoga practices rather than creating my own. Most days I didn’t even realize the struggle as I kept my head down, pushing through my day-to-day responsibilities of taking care of my family. Thankfully the kids are all doing awesome and are such sweet human beings. And they have afforded me some creative outlets, albeit different media such as Legos and Crayolas.

For anyone who follows us, it’s looks like an idyllic European life, and it is! I’m so grateful we’re here, living it. A big part of me never wants to leave. But often, under the surface, a lot people are dealing with something. I’m no stranger to sharing my struggles. Sometimes sharing the struggle is the cathartic exercise that’s needed. Other times it’s to let others know that they’re not alone. We all struggle in one way or another. So that’s where I’ve been this year and why I’m writing this now.

Laying on my mat, questioning my existence is what I needed. In addition to being a wife and mother, I am a creative person who needs constant creative outlets and to produce something so I can share that creativity, giving back the gifts the universe has blessed upon me. As awesome as the kiddos are all doing, I shouldn’t feel guilty that being a SAHM doesn’t entirely fulfill me and I can’t forget to fill my soul with what it needs.

Who knows if 2023 will bring me the job I’ve been praying for? But I have faith that God and the universe is holding on to something special for me, waiting for the right time to present itself. In the meantime I’m continuing to have a blast with my family as a lot more travel awaits us, but cultivating my creativity and perusing my passions are just as important. As partners and parents we always hear about being present for the people in our lives, but what about being present for ourselves? Well here I am, back at it, writing and rebuilding my yoga practice, being present for me. Who knows? Maybe some other passion will be (re)ignited this year. In the meantime, thanks so much for stopping by. I wish you a wonderful year to come and hope you find your way back here soon. xo

Farewell 2021!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from The Netherlands!

We hope this greeting finds you well, and with time to reflect. Time…what a luxury! So this year I’m switching things up and sending a virtual card because, well, life at a new post and three kids got me behind. I know, we’ve all got our own challenges.

Considering what the world has been up against, again, in 2021, The Bitters had an incredible year. We travelled back to the Maldives and home two the Midwest…twice. We spent quality time with family and friends; although not nearly enough time as we would have liked and we missed quite a few people along the way. We were able to see a little bit more of Egypt before we left Cairo in August. The Gents began honing their tennis skills and have become incredible swimmers this year. Josephine continues to demonstrates she has no fear, approaching swimming and pretty much any new experience with abandon. These kids are my heroes.

In September we arrived to our new post and home in The Hague. It’s so quaint, as if out of a storybook. The Gents are now in kindergarten at the American School. We were a little nervous about how they’d take to being in separate classes, but they’re flourishing as individuals. Carter has developed a strong interest in science and math, while Royce is a budding artist and creative writer. They really have spilt the difference of their parents’ strengths! Their school and teachers are a dream and we’re so excited to see the positive impact these next few years will have on them. Josephine is attending a Dutch Montessori preschool. And yes, they mostly speak Dutch. There are a few other children that speak English though and those kids she calls her “best friends”. At least once a week she tells me she can’t understand her teachers,. She’s doing great though! When I drop her off the teachers give her instructions in Dutch and she seems to understand, moving along to wherever they’ve directed her. She’s definitely picked up more Dutch than me!

Thankfully nearly everyone here speaks English so getting things done is pretty easy. The Dutch are really kind and helpful. I have had a few snafus here - not having any money on me in a grocery store, forgetting my debit card when shopping, forgetting Josephine’s pick-up time at school (true story, for another day though) - and each incident was met with a kind, helpful and relaxed response.

The biggest adjustment for us has been biking, EVERYWHERE. Just like arrival at any other post, we were without most of our personal things and our car for 10 weeks. Fortunately The Gents ride the bus to and from school, but Josephine would’t be able to make the walk to her school. I quickly got comfortable biking with a large toddler and running errands…in the rain. So. Much. Rain. Thankfully the boys were great bikers before we arrived and they’re now getting accustomed to the bike lanes here. We can’t wait to bike to the beach and neighboring towns in the spring and summer.

Despite all of the rain, it’s a welcome change to the last four years in the Middle East! Everything is so green. The boys now even take a pragmatic approach to the rain, knowing it makes the nature that surrounds us grow so beautifully. Oh and the rainbows! I don’t think we’ll ever get tired of seeing full, double rainbows just outside our windows. They’re incredible. Some days it feels like I’m on a back country road in Michigan, seeing cows, llamas and sheep in a foggy pasture. It’s a lovely and comforting place to be when so far from home. And the chilly temps make it feel a lot like the midwest, too. We’ve been told that we’ll be ice skating on the canals this winter. Now we just need to get everyone skating! 

As for Jeff, he’s enjoying work and finding his hangouts. Big shocker, it’s a cigar lounge. And me, well, the kids are keeping me busy. Now that we’re settled into the house I’m hoping to be working again soon. If Covid would just us a break! Praying we get off this lockdown soon

And not to be forgotten, Wally is living his best life. We have a beautiful, cozy home with a little yard that he spends a lot of time exploring or soaking up the sun (when it’s out, of course). It’s hard to believe he’s 13 years old the way he bounds around the yard.

We’re all looking forward to our time here in The Netherlands and can’t wait for visitors. The guest room is ready when you are!

Wishing you all a joyful and healthy 2022. xo