The Long "We'll See You Later"

We started our farewell tour Easter weekend. We weren’t saying “goodbye” to anyone. We’re just living in another country and we’ll be back to visit, although the distance initially made it feel more permanent.

We were fortunate to introduce the Little Gents to so much of J’s and my family before we left. Timing was on our side and we were able to attend by brother’s wedding without much stress from move logistics, and spend quality time with dear friends in D.C. as well. Even though I know we’ll be back soon enough, I just wanted an extra day and hold on to everyone a little bit longer because it’s hard to say “ I love you. We’ll see you later.”

The last few weeks in Virginia/DC were a whirlwind. I don’t know what we would have done without our nanny. She and her family took care of Wally for a good part of March, April and May while we were traveling and living in a hotel. And even though she isn’t technically family and we’ve only know her just over a year, this was a hard farewell for me. We’ve been through so much together.

Lesly started with us March 15, after the boys came home from the NICU and just before Royce went back into hospital to be monitored on his hemangioma medication. She dealt with the day-to-day craze with us, blaring apnea monitors, complications with Royce’s hemangioma, developmental appointments with specialists, nearly every doctor appointment and just figuring out how to be new parents. She was God sent. It was a blessing to have her in our lives when we needed another loving person to help us care for these babes. She deserves credit for her part in the strides they’ve made this year, plus. We’ll cherish the time we had with her and look forward to her being in our lives for years to come.

The Little Gents first photo shoot. This is one of few pics when they weren't screaming. 

The Little Gents first photo shoot. This is one of few pics when they weren't screaming.